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Don’t Sleep Like This — It’s Your Choice!

It is one of the most common sleep disturbacance issues in America. It has ruined the sleep of an estimated 25 million Americans. This prevents the sleeper from entering REM and Delta Sleep. This can make them anxious, cantankerous and tired during the day.

There are very serious health consequences of prolonged sleep deprivation. Also, due to its nature, blood oxygen levels are lower than normal for prolonged periods. This is damaging to both the brain and the heart.

Presently, this issue can be addressed in various ways. Initially, weight loss is attempted, as well as decreased alcohol consumption and smoking. Anyone with a slight insight into human nature can realize how unsuccessful this can be. Then there are many additional steps that can be both costly and dangerous.

The Cause

Our bodies have numerous control systems to regulate and maintain physiological conditions. For example, your body’s core temperature is maintained with a control system that is always operating. The metabolism is regulated to smoothly and continuously provide enough heat from digestion and fat storage to maintain the desired body temperature. If the temperature gets too high, you begin to sweat. If the temperature gets too low, you burn more stored fat to release heat energy. This is an example of a “proportional” control system, meaning a system that makes continuous corrective actions proportionate to the “error” in the system. Your respiratory system is a similar system. As blood oxygen levels drop, your respirations become deeper and more regular, increasing heart rate.

Another type of system in the body is the “bi-valent system”. This is a system that has two states, either active or inactive. A good example of this system is the gag reflex. If a foreign object advances down your throat, your body convulsively expels it by rapid contraction of the esophagus and stomach. This is not a response proportional to the amount of penetration; it is an all or nothing response. You either vomit, or you don’t.

There are multiple control systems that work actively in your body, as well as protective systems as well. The two that I need to bring to your attention are directly relevant to the respiration system. One is proportional and the other is bi-valent. As previously mentioned, there is a control system that is responsible for regulating the blood oxygen level. It must be able to control the diaphragmatic muscles in order to regulate the depth of respiration. This is where the trouble begins.



The Solution:

So you see; the issue is not the sagging soft palate. The issue is not the rapid inhalation that sucks your soft palate into the airway. The issue is the reduced ability of the signal from your brain to produce sufficient breathing amplitude from your diaphragm. If your breathing was sufficiently deep enough, then you would not make a rapid inhalation, suck your soft palate into the airway, and snort; disturbing your sleep.

The appropriate solution is to accentuate the ability of the brain to communicate with the diaphragm so that it will maintain the proper blood oxygen level and keep the safety systems from causing rapid inhalation.

With the issue accurately characterized, the solution becomes obvious. Sure, it is beneficial to strengthen the muscles of the soft palate, just as it is advantageous to reduce muscular tension in the neck. Both of these things make a noticeable improvement, however, the most dramatic impact can be made by the administration of a few common herbs.

The Herbs of S.A.R


  • Lobelia– Enhances and maintains respiration intensity.
  • Thyme– Increases lung efficiency.
  • Chamomile – relaxes the sleeper
  • Cramp Bark– reduces muscular tension to allow more signals from the brain to the diaphragm.
  • Meadowsweet – aids in assimilation of the herbs

In some individuals, the disturbance is clear due to disruptions in sleep from respiration blockages which result in irregular sleep patterns and lack of access to important “sleep stages” that are needed for good rest. This can be due to numerous causes. In other individuals, the main consequence can be as simple such as lowered oxygenation of the blood and resultant lack of “refreshment” from sleep.

A simple, all natural product that helps maintain a great quality of sleep. It will create an industry of healthier and more alert individuals that will better function in their daily lives.

Improving sleep and alertness does not require uncomfortable, costly or even dangerous alternatives. It can be accomplished simply and inexpensively with S.A.R, which is an herbal supplement designed to sustain nocturnal respiration.

Sustain Sleep,  Renew Alertness … Naturally.

From the safety of nature, as demonstrated with modern science, you now have the opportunity to improve your sleep.

“I love this stuff!”
— Jason Doppler, CA

Traditional Uses of Herbs: Lobelia, Meadowsweet, Thyme, Cramp Bark, Meadowsweet

Lobelia used to support the respiratory system. This herb, when taken before bed, promotes the respiratory system to maintain safe blood oxygen levels. It should be used in conjunction with Meadowsweet which boosts the digestive system to enhance absorption.

Thyme has traditionally been used to enhance pleural activity and makes an excellent contribution to maintaining sufficient respiration. To round out the combination, Chamomile & Cramp Bark promotes relaxation within the musculoskeletal system. Meadowsweet is added to help aid the absorption in the stomach.

This “bouquet” of herbs is a holistic, natural approach that is non-habit forming, and no-preconditioning is required. Would you like a natural herbal approach or continue down a path of expensive, invasive and possibly even dangerous alternative options? Take your nights back and join the millions of others that wake up feeling relaxed, energized and ready for the day because of a restful uninterrupted night’s sleep!

The choice is yours!!

Sleep Apnea Relief

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