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OKOUBAKA spag. drops | Pekana Homeopathic Remedy

For treatment of gastroenteritis, intestinal infections/intoxification, Traveler’s diarrhea,Leaky gut syndrome.*

Derived from the bark of a West African tree, OKOUBAKA drops treat acute gastrointestinal tract infections, especially those accompanied by diarrhea caused by contaminated food.*

It also stimulates the excretion of mycotic toxins and speeds detoxification of the intestines and other organs. OKOUBAKA drops help patients deal with chronic infestations of Candida albicans and Mucor racemosus, both of which can rapidly multiply and cause acute infections.*

Duration of Use:
Acute use for food-borne infections is until diarrhea is controlled.

Use for leaky gut and protocols for gut dysbiosis continues as long as the astringing nature of the remedy to resolve boggy membranes is needed.

Combines Well With:

Generally Not Combined With:
Apo-Enterit, as usually one of these remedies is indicated in acute enteritis, but not both

OKOUBAKA spag. drops | Pekana Homeopathic Remedy


Okoubaka aubrevillei 2X


Adults: 10 drops Every hour for acute conditions OR 15-20 drops 3-4 times per day directly or in liquid
School Children: 10-15 drops 3-4 times per day


apo-STOM drops stomach and intestinal function
apo-HEPAT drops liver function
TOXEX drops general excretion, heavy metals


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